The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


James Stanley Grimes - 1807-1903: Fox seancePaul J Gaunty2009v5i4Aprp119
Hippolyte Leon Denizard Rivail Better known under the pseudonym of Allan Kardec - 1804-1869 - Allan Kardec's "Spirits' Book" [review: in 'The Spiritualist Newspaper' October 8 1875]unsigned [? WH Harrison], Psypioneery2009v5i4Aprp125
Spiritualist was convicted of murderLeslie Price [LP]y2009v5i4Aprp129
Please support PsypioneerEditory2009v5i4Aprp130
Books for saleanony2009v5i4Aprp131
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2009v5i4Aprp132
The Sesquicentennial of the birth of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle [22nd May 1859-7th July 1930]anony2009v5i5Mayp134
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Psychic Bookshop Library and MuseumGarth Willeyy2009v5i5Mayp135
"Psypioneer Archives"anony2009v5i5Mayp146
A Letter from Edwin Butler to The Book and Magazine CollectorEdwin Butlery2009v5i5Mayp147
Ectoplasm on the Wireless [including as delivered: 'Psychic Developments: A "Wireless" Lecture by Arthur Conan Doyle]anony2009v5i5Mayp148
ACD urged Winston Churchill to look into the Psychic Fieldanony2009v5i5Mayp151
Was Sir Arthur's Eighth Principle foredoomed?anony2009v5i5Mayp152
Books for saleanony2009v5i5Mayp154
How to obtain this JournalPaul J Gaunty2009v5i5Mayp155
Myers is back: - book review [review: ?'Immortal Longings: FWH Myers and the Victorian Search for Life After Death' by Trevor Hamilton]Leslie Price [LP]y2009v5i6Junp157
Mrs FWH Myers' recollections - The Strange Adventure of FWH Myers with "John King"NF, Trevor Hamilton, Leslie Price, anony2009v5i6Junp158
Frederic WH Myers onlineCarlos S Alvaradoy2009v5i6Junp162
"The Creed of the Spirits and the Influence of Spiritualism"Emma Hardinge Britten, Paul Gaunt, anony2009v5i6Junp170
Mike Coleman Remembered [obituary: Mike Coleman 1927-2009]Leslie Pricey2009v5i6Junp185
How old Splitfoot infiltrated SpiritualismGarth Willeyy2009v5i6Junp187
Ernest Walter Oaten [1875-1952] [including: The Personal Side]anon, Hannen Swaffery2009v5i6Junp190
Please support PsypioneerEditory2009v5i6Junp196
Books for saleanony2009v5i6Junp196
How to obtain this free journalPaul J Gaunty2009v5i6Junp197
Help to save ACD's old houseLynn Galey2009v5i7Julp200
Mrs ME CadwalladerPaul J Gaunty2009v5i7Julp202
Did HPB predict a world teacher?John Cooper, Psypioneery2009v5i7Julp211
Frederic WH Myers Online: II Original WritingsCarlos S Alvaradoy2009v5i7Julp215
Hippolyte Leon Denizard Rivail Better known under the pseudonym of Allan Kardec - 1804-1869 [various including: Allan Kardec was the founder of Modern Spiritualism comments by Paul J Gaunt]variousy2009v5i7Julp227
Allan KardecDr Alexander Moreira-Almeida, anony2009v5i7Julp235
Books for saleanony2009v5i7Julp238
Please support PsypioneerEditory2009v5i7Julp238
How to obtain this free journalPaul J Gaunty2009v5i7Julp239
Dedications - to Don Galloway and Arthur Conan Doyleanony2009v5i8Augp241
The Psychic and General Bookshop - Prospectusanony2009v5i8Augp242
A Word of Warning (1928)Arthur Conan Doyley2009v5i8Augp245
The Haunting of Conan DoyleLeslie Pricey2009v5i8Augp252
The Resignation - Horrid Scenes at the SPR'International Psychic Gazette', PPy2009v5i8Augp258
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Resignation'Journal of the Society for Psychic Research', PPy2009v5i8Augp263
ACD's Australian Helper [Conan Doyle's Australian Helper] - Leslie CurnowLP and PJGy2009v5i8Augp270
Books for saleanony2009v5i8Augp280
How to obtain this free journalPaul J Gaunty2009v5i8Augp281
Fox News [Mrs Margaret Fox 1796-1865]Paul J Gaunty2009v5i9Sepp283
The Marriage of Miss Kate Fox ['The Spiritualist' 1 January 1873 p57]anony2009v5i9Sepp292
Henry Diedrich Jencken [?1828-1881]Paul J Gaunty2009v5i9Sepp294
Alec Harris - New Book - ['Alec Harris - The full story of his remarkable physical mediumship' by Louie Harris]anony2009v5i9Sepp302
The Spiritual Telegraph - 'The Telegraph Papers'various, PJGy2009v5i9Sepp302
Turning the Tables in Liverpool'The Telegraph Papers'y2009v5i9Sepp304
Books for saleanony2009v5i9Sepp312
Showing 501 to 550 of 1280 entries