The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


Correction... PP4.10 October - Conan Doyle Movietone Newsreelanony2008v4i12Decp303
Jung and Psychic StudiesLeslie Pricey2008v4i12Decp304
Tribute to Miss JacquelineJB McIndoey2008v4i12Decp305
Stone Tape Theory - Can any of our readers help David Taylor?anony2008v4i12Decp307
Have you been reading your Psypioneer?anony2008v4i12Decp308
Looking round the world ['Light' January 9 1936 p25]anony2008v4i12Decp309
Books for saleanony2008v4i12Decp310
How to obtain this NewsletterPaul J Gaunty2008v4i12Decp311
Psypioneer Newsletter is now Psypioneer Journalanony2009v5i1Janp1
Stansted donation - SPR auditor declines to investigateanony2009v5i1Janp2
Bewitched by the Duncan MythLeslie Price [LP]y2009v5i1Janp2
Helen Duncan - 1897-1956Percy Wilson, Psypioneery2009v5i1Janp4
Duncan Memoir Reprintedanony2009v5i1Janp10
Conan Doyle biography reconsidered [re: 'Conan Doyle: The Man Who Created Sherlock Holmes' by Andrew Lycett]Garth Willy, Psypioneery2009v5i1Janp11
Joseph Maxwell - Jurist physician psychist - 1858-1938Renaud Evrard, Psypioneery2009v5i1Janp21
Emma Hardinge Britten - Chasing down EmmaMarc Demaresty2009v5i1Janp28
Hippolyte Leon Denizard Rivail Better known under the pseudonym of Allan Kardec - 1804-1869 [Aksakof's paper on Kardec]Alexander Moreira-Almeida, Psypioneery2009v5i1Janp29
Recent Papers (1) - A new feature in PsypioneerLeslie Pricey2009v5i1Janp32
Mark Twain and Earliest Spiritualist fictionGerald O'Haray2009v5i1Janp33
Quiz answers for December 2008 issue - see p308anony2009v5i1Janp34
Books for saleanony2009v5i1Janp36
How to obtain this JournalPaul J Gaunty2009v5i1Janp37
William Crookes - Anna Eva Fay Biographies [William Crookes biography - Barry Wiley Comments]Barry Wiley, Psypioneery2009v5i2Febp39
Mesmeric Mediumship: The case of EmmaCarlos S Alvarado, Psypioneery2009v5i2Febp43
Autobiographical Sketch [translated by Beatrice Hyslop and Gertrude O Tubby]Ernesto Bozzano, Psypioneery2009v5i2Febp52
1930s Scottish medium photographed in infraredanony2009v5i2Febp54
Hippolyte Leon Denizard Rivail Better known under the pseudonym of Allan Kardec - 1804-1869 - The origin of Allan Kardec's "Spirits' Book"Anna Blackwell, Psypioneery2009v5i2Febp55
What was the first Spiritualist Newspaper?Leslie Pricey2009v5i2Febp58
Reminiscences of a remarkable mediumHA Dallas, Psypioneery2009v5i2Febp59
A pioneer Australian Spiritualist - Mr WH Terry'Banner of Light', Psypioneery2009v5i2Febp64
Books for saleanony2009v5i2Febp67
How to obtain this JournalPaul J Gaunty2009v5i2Febp68
Stansted donation - Charity Commission intervenesanony2009v5i3Marp69
New book articulates pioneer casesLeslie Price [LP]y2009v5i3Marp70
Rev William Stainton Moses MA - November 5 1839-September 5 1892Canon William V Rauscher, Psypioneery2009v5i3Marp71
The end of El Morya [review: 'Prophet's Daughter' by Erin Prophet]Paul Johnson, Psypioneery2009v5i3Marp79
ACD on the second highest spiritual being in historyLeslie Price [LP]y2009v5i3Marp84
SNU tried to bar Christians in 1934Leslie Price and Paul J Gaunty2009v5i3Marp85
Leonora E Piper Online: Some Web ResourcesCarlos S Alvaradoy2009v5i3Marp87
Hippolyte Leon Denizard Rivail Better known under the pseudonym of Allan Kardec - 1804-1869 - The editor of the "Revue Spirite" on Allan KardecPG Leymarie, Psypioneery2009v5i3Marp93
Books for saleanony2009v5i3Marp102
How to obtain this JournalPaul J Gaunty2009v5i3Marp103
SPR satisfies CCLeslie Price [LP]y2009v5i4Aprp105
Margery case reopenedLPy2009v5i4Aprp105
Listen to a piece of history: Mrs Miller's Gift CD - Written and produced by Gerald O'Haraanony2009v5i4Aprp106
Luther Colby and The BannerPaul J Gaunty2009v5i4Aprp108
Notes by the way: White Lotus Day 1986Leslie Price [LP]y2009v5i4Aprp114
Florence was psychoanalysedLeslie Price [LP]y2009v5i4Aprp116
Recent Papers (2): A neglected source for Florence Marryat?Leslie Price [LP]y2009v5i4Aprp117
Crookes rejects Florence's account: Polemics of Spiritualismanon, LPy2009v5i4Aprp118
Showing 451 to 500 of 1280 entries