The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


How to obtain this free journalPaul J Gaunty2009v5i9Sepp313
Chasing down EmmaLeslie Price [LP]y2009v5i10Octp315
The editorship of LIGHTPaul J Gaunty2009v5i10Octp316
Offensive book review led to the resignation by Conan DoyleTheodore Besterman, Psypioneery2009v5i10Octp324
The strange case of the Marquis' transportationMassimo Biondi, Psypioneery2009v5i10Octp328
A medium's life - Pascal Beverley Randolph [1825-1875]AF Colborne, Psypioneery2009v5i10Octp334
A public rapping "seance" in London ['Illustrated Times' n96 v4 p126 February 21 1857]'Illustrated Times', Psypioneery2009v5i10Octp339
Nettie Colburn Maynard - also known as Henrietta Sturdevant Maynard - 1841-1892 (1)Paul J Gaunty2009v5i10Octp341
Spiritual Telegraph [re note Psypioneer v5 i9 p304 re discrepancy]Edy2009v5i10Octp347
Books for saleanony2009v5i10Octp348
How to obtain this free journalPaul J Gaunty2009v5i10Octp349
Great loss to survival researchLeslie Price [LP]y2009v5i11Novp351
Early survival research, is it still relevantLeslie Price, Psypioneery2009v5i11Novp352
The Challenge of White EagleLeslie Pricey2009v5i11Novp364
Grace Cooke [Grace Cooke - The Two Worlds]anon, Edy2009v5i11Novp366
"Two Worlds" as an aid to researchLeslie Pricey2009v5i11Novp369
Discussions on Telepathy and Nonphysicality by Early Members of the Society for Psychical ResearchCarlos S Alvaradoy2009v5i11Novp373
Books for saleanony2009v5i11Novp379
How to obtain this free journalPaul J Gaunty2009v5i11Novp380
How Ray Taylor changed our lives [obituary]Leslie Price [LP]y2009v5i12Decp382
Robert James Lees and the Revd Thomas AshcroftStephen Butty2009v5i12Decp384
Spirits of the Mines [from 'Banner of Light' October 9 1875]Emma Hardinge Britten, Psypioneery2009v5i12Decp396
The dangers of an SPR study day and of a CPS library bookLeslie Price [LP]y2009v5i12Decp402
A Study in Survival Conan Doyle Solves the Final Problem [review: 'A Study in Survival: Conan Doyle Solves the Final Problem' by Roger Straughan]Garth Willeyy2009v5i12Decp403
The Great Shark case - An analysis of the original documentsLouis Fergusson, Psypioneery2009v5i12Decp405
Leslie's seasonal Quizanony2009v5i12Decp410
Please support Psypioneeranony2009v5i12Decp411
Books for saleanony2009v5i12Decp412
How to obtain this free journalPaul J Gaunty2009v5i12Decp413
Duncan Gascoyne and the Spiritualists' National UnionPJGy2010v6i1Janp2
Spiritual Origin of The Spiritual Institution [and 'The Medium and Daybreak'][James Burns], anony2010v6i1Janp3
Spiritualism in Liverpool [The founding of the Liverpool Psychological Society] ['The Spiritualist' 1 May 1873 pp186-7]anony2010v6i1Janp12
My first contribution to spiritual literatureJ [James] Burns, anony2010v6i1Janp15
Our new president [Percy Wilson] ['The Two Worlds' 22 July 1950 p830]anon, LPy2010v6i1Janp17
Conan Doyle papers foundLP [Leslie Price]y2010v6i1Janp22
Did you try our quiz? [answers from Leslie Price]LPy2010v6i1Janp23
Books for saleanony2010v6i1Janp25
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2010v6i1Janp26
Dr Walter Franklin Prince versus Simon P Kase (2) [see Psypioneer y2009 v5 i10 Oct p341]Psypioneer Editor [Paul J Gaunt]y2010v6i2Febp29
The Aetiology of a "Psychical" legendDr Walter Franklin Prince, Paul J Gaunty2010v6i2Febp30
In Memoriam - Mrs Margaret Wilkinson [obituary in 'The Two Worlds' November 8 1912 p559]anony2010v6i2Febp46
Psypioneer subscriber has rare journals and book for saleEdy2010v6i2Febp47
Dramatic Interview with Materialised Spirit Form - "Albert" talks about his work and his lifeJames Leigh [James Cumberbirch], Psypioneer editory2010v6i2Febp48
Books for saleanony2010v6i2Febp54
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2010v6i2Febp55
The wrong Fox sister?Paul J Gaunt, Ed, James Burnsy2010v6i3Marp57
Ada Maud Besinnet Roche - 1890-1936Leslie Price and Paul J Gaunty2010v6i3Marp61
Preserving the History of Parapsychology and Spiritism in The NetherlandsWim Kramery2010v6i3Marp81
Books for saleanony2010v6i3Marp86
How to obtain this free JournalPaul J Gaunty2010v6i3Marp87
Showing 551 to 600 of 1280 entries