The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


New DNB says Stainton Moses was married [Stainton Moses accused of matrimony]anony2004v1i7Novp53
A Copy of Light changed a young woman's life [Light on Stella C]anony2004v1i7Novp54
German University Hosts Spiritualist History SeminarAndreas Sommery2004v1i7Novp55
The Names of Emma Hardinge Brittenanony2004v1i7Novp57
The SNU and the Christ PrincipleWE Harrisony2004v1i7Novp58
Periods of Historical Development of Parapsychology in Germany: An Overview [Parapsychology in Germany]Eberhard Bauery2004v1i7Novp61
A Spiritualist Archdeaconanony2004v1i7Novp61
Mediumship in Australia may be ancientanony2004v1i7Novp64
New Spiritualist Newspaper LaunchedLPy2004v1i7Novp65
[note re pagination]anony2004v1i8Decp66
New Light on Arthur Conan DoyleRoger Straughany2004v1i8Decp66
Birth Day of Rev Arthur FordLPy2004v1i8Decp67
Knowing Arthur FordWV Rauschery2004v1i8Decp68
Notes by the Way: Approaching InfancyLPy2004v1i8Decp73
Was Queen Victoria amused by the paranormalanony2004v1i8Decp74
The first Two WorldsJames Gregoryy2004v1i8Decp74
The City Temple Pastorateanony2004v1i8Decp76
Bela Marsh Slavery and Spiritualismanony2004v1i8Decp77
A lost leaderanony2004v1i8Decp77
Australia's most influential psychical researcheranony2004v1i8Decp79
Manoah's wife and the angelLPy2004v1i8Decp80
What is known of the Hydesville peddler?Paul J Gaunty2005v1i9Janp82
Did the peddler exist?anony2005v1i9Janp92
SPR declined to investigate voice medium [includes extracts article by David Fontana in JSPR October 2004 and extra research by Paul Gaunt]anony2005v1i9Janp94
Psychic News in perspective [includes additional research by Paul Gaunt]anony2005v1i9Janp96
Notes by the Way - Terminological InexactitudesLeslie Pricey2005v1i9Janp97
The secret report on Spiritualismanony2005v1i9Janp98
Evelyn Underhill had previous convictionsanony2005v1i9Janp101
Emma's musical life [includes extracts occasional paper "The Unseen Worlds" by Robert Mathieson]anony2005v1i9Janp104
Emma Hardinge Britten: grave news [includes extracts Two Worlds April 15 1950 Ernest Thompson]anony2005v1i9Janp105
New book by Australian historian [re: "The Covert Enlightenment" by Al Gabay]anony2005v1i9Janp106
Did Lodge believe in reincarnation?anony2005v1i9Janp107
Remembering Eileen J GarrettWilliam V Rauschery2005v1i10Febp109
Peddler Newsanony2005v1i10Febp113
History of the introduction of the Harmonial Philosophy into Germany (1)Mary F Davisy2005v1i10Febp114
The Hakim ['revised from defunct']anony2005v1i10Febp121
Bessie Dunlop is computerisedanony2005v1i10Febp122
Alfred Kitson and progressive Lyceumsanony2005v1i10Febp123
Maurice Elliott and the search for faithanony2005v1i10Febp125
The exclusion of mediums from the Churchanony2005v1i10Febp127
Melbourne spirit art mysteryanony2005v1i10Febp129
[indexer note: pagination of v1 i11 repeats that of v1 i10 - see note v1 i13 p153][indexer]y2005v1i11Marp109
Thoughts of Muriel HankeyWilliam V Rauschery2005v1i11Marp109
History of the introduction of the Harmonial Philosophy into Germany (2)Mary F Davisy2005v1i11Marp116
Origin of the Churches Fellowship for Psychical Studyanony2005v1i11Marp124
Spiritualism reaches London [includes reprint introduction by the editor of "Spirit Manifestations"anon, GW Stoney2005v1i11Marp127
Australia's lost researcheranony2005v1i11Marp130
Forward to Lewis ReportLeslie Pricey2005v1i12Aprp132
A Report of the Mysterious Noises Heard in the House of Mr John D Fox in Hydesville Arcadia Wayne County Authenticated by the Certificates and Confirmed by the Statements of the Citizens of that Place and Vicinity [reprint with different pagination from original]EE Lewisy2005v1i12Aprp133+
The Crisis and After: Spirit Prophecies [includes reprint: front page article Psychic News week ending 2 September 1939]anony2005v1i13Mayp134
Showing 51 to 100 of 1280 entries