Notes by the way - Leslie Flint | Leslie Price | y2005 | v1 | i19 | Nov | p251 |
A life-size portrait of 'Katie King' [reprint: 'The Spiritual Review' v3 i7 May 1901] | anon, J Hawkins Simpson | y2005 | v1 | i19 | Nov | p252 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2005 | v1 | i19 | Nov | p254 |
New Biography of Andrew Jackson Davis ['Andrew Jackson Davis The First American Prophet and Clairvoyant' by John DeSalvo] | anon, John DeSalvo | y2005 | v1 | i20 | Dec | p255 |
Mrs De Crespigny and the British College of Psychic Science [includes extract: 'Light' February 14 1935] | anon, Leslie Price | y2005 | v1 | i20 | Dec | p258 |
The Parapsychology Foundation: Then and Now | Carlos S Alvarado | y2005 | v1 | i20 | Dec | p268 |
Historical Writings on Parapsychology and Its Contribution to Psychology | Carlos S Alvarado | y2005 | v1 | i20 | Dec | p270 |
Mediumship in Australia may be ancient | Leslie Price | y2005 | v1 | i20 | Dec | p274 |
The twentieth issue of the Pioneer: we are offering a short quiz | anon | y2005 | v1 | i20 | Dec | p277 |
Notes by the way: Light on Mabel Collins | Leslie Price | y2005 | v1 | i20 | Dec | p279 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2005 | v1 | i20 | Dec | p280 |
Introduction to "Lectures in Clairmativeness" | LP | y2006 | v2 | i1 | Jan | p1 |
Lectures in Clairmativeness - Contents and First Lecture ['All the Mysteries of Human Magnetism and Clairvoyance explained by the celebrated Jackson Davis of Poughkeepsie'] | Gibson Smith | y2006 | v2 | i1 | Jan | p2 |
Psychical research in Australia | Ronald Rose | y2006 | v2 | i1 | Jan | p17 |
Twenty questions answered | anon | y2006 | v2 | i1 | Jan | p21 |
Notes by the way: Clairvoyance and Politics: Dr Rudolf Steiner | Leslie Price | y2006 | v2 | i1 | Jan | p23 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2006 | v2 | i1 | Jan | p25 |
Lectures in Clairmativeness Lecture Second - AJ Davis [Lectures in Clairmativeness: or Human Magnetism via Jackson Davis 1845 Edited by Rev Gibson Smith] | Jackson Davis, Gibson Smith | y2006 | v2 | i2 | Feb | p26 |
Is there hope for William Hope? | Leslie Price | y2006 | v2 | i2 | Feb | p35 |
Afterthoughts on "Hope" debate - Facts of the Flash-Lamp - "Discovery" at the British College | Hewat McKenzie [Barbara McKenzie] | y2006 | v2 | i2 | Feb | p37 |
Concerning Mrs Deane | FW Warrick, LP | y2006 | v2 | i2 | Feb | p43 |
A brief sketch of Spiritualism in New Zealand | Harold S Sell | y2006 | v2 | i2 | Feb | p46 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2006 | v2 | i2 | Feb | p49 |
Lectures in Clairmativeness - Lecture Third | AJ Davis | y2006 | v2 | i3 | Mar | p50 |
From Spiritualism to Theosophy | Francesca Arundale | y2006 | v2 | i3 | Mar | p56 |
Ernest Walter Oaten - 1875-1952 | anon | y2006 | v2 | i3 | Mar | p59 |
Ernest Oaten Makes History | 'The Two Worlds' Publishing Co Ltd | y2006 | v2 | i3 | Mar | p60 |
What I Believe | Ernest W Oaten | y2006 | v2 | i3 | Mar | p61 |
New Australian Parapsychology Doctorate | LP | y2006 | v2 | i3 | Mar | p68 |
Magical Writer Censored | LP | y2006 | v2 | i3 | Mar | p69 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2006 | v2 | i3 | Mar | p70 |
Lectures in Clairmativeness - Lecture Fourth | AJ Davis | y2006 | v2 | i4 | Apr | p71 |
[Lectures in Clairmativeness] Appendix | AJ Davis | y2006 | v2 | i4 | Apr | p76 |
Afterword [on the AJ Davis lectures] | Leslie Price | y2006 | v2 | i4 | Apr | p80 |
Foreword | Ernest W Oaten | y2006 | v2 | i4 | Apr | p81 |
An Address Given before the Archbishop of Canterbury's Committee by Ernest W Oaten | LP | y2006 | v2 | i4 | Apr | p81 |
Spiritualism and the Church | Ernest W Oaten | y2006 | v2 | i4 | Apr | p82 |
The Primate of Melbourne on Spiritual Possibilities [item in 'Harbinger of Light' reprinted in 'Two Worlds' v1 October 26 1888] | 'Harbinger of Light', Editor | y2006 | v2 | i4 | Apr | p89 |
Call to reopen Judge Case | Leslie Price | y2006 | v2 | i4 | Apr | p91 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2006 | v2 | i4 | Apr | p92 |
The SNU's Seven Principles of Spiritualism - The error that changed history | Paul J Gaunt | y2006 | v2 | i5 | May | p93 |
Meet the SNU National Council - W Lorraine Haig - The Two Worlds ['The Two Worlds' March 11 1949 p74] | anon | y2006 | v2 | i5 | May | p101 |
The Problem of Swedenborg | Leslie Price | y2006 | v2 | i5 | May | p102 |
Keighley [Keighley celebration 1882] | anon | y2006 | v2 | i5 | May | p105 |
William Howitt's Clairvoyant Dream on his Voyage to Australia in 1852 [William Howitt in Australia] [includes extracts: 'Pioneers of the Spiritual Reform'] | Anne Mary Howitt Watts | y2006 | v2 | i5 | May | p107 |
Dion Fortune biography to be revised | anon | y2006 | v2 | i5 | May | p110 |
The Divine Anna | LP | y2006 | v2 | i5 | May | p111 |
Transition on Dr Forbes Winslow | anon | y2006 | v2 | i5 | May | p112 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2006 | v2 | i5 | May | p112 |
We shall fight them on the web sites? | Leslie Price | y2006 | v2 | i6 | Jun | p113 |