Letters from Mr JJ Morse - X [Australian New Zealand Letters from JJ Morse - Tenth Letter] | JJ Morse | y2007 | v3 | i2 | Feb | p43 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2007 | v3 | i2 | Feb | p47 |
'Modern Spiritualism' - The Failure of Spiritualism in the Past (1) | Psypioneer, Herbert Thurston | y2007 | v3 | i3 | Mar | p48 |
A Japanese Spiritualist - Mr Wasaburo Asano in London | anon | y2007 | v3 | i3 | Mar | p57 |
A Comparatively Unimportant Matter | LP [Leslie Price] | y2007 | v3 | i3 | Mar | p58 |
Further light on Emma's lost book and marriage | PJG | y2007 | v3 | i3 | Mar | p60 |
Early Spiritualism in England continued.... - Mr Mrs Thomas Everitt [Mediumship of Mrs Everitt] | anon | y2007 | v3 | i3 | Mar | p61 |
Psychic Phenomena and Related Matters in the New York Times | Carlos S Alvarado | y2007 | v3 | i3 | Mar | p64 |
Letters from Mr JJ Morse - XI [Australian New Zealand Letters from JJ Morse - Eleventh Letter (final)] | JJ Morse | y2007 | v3 | i3 | Mar | p67 |
Correction [Article correction re: 'Psypioneer' 2007 v3 i2 p40] | anon | y2007 | v3 | i3 | Mar | p70 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2007 | v3 | i3 | Mar | p71 |
Malcolm Gaskill responds to 'Psychic World' article | Malcolm Gaskill | y2007 | v3 | i4 | Apr | p72 |
Book Review by Leslie Price - Harry Price Reassessed [review: 'Harry Price: The Psychic Detective' by Richard Morris] | Leslie Price | y2007 | v3 | i4 | Apr | p73 |
'Modern Spiritualism' - The Causes of Past Failure (2) | Herbert Thurston | y2007 | v3 | i4 | Apr | p75 |
A Study of Stainton Moses - Address by AW Trethewy | Psypioneer, AW Trethewy | y2007 | v3 | i4 | Apr | p85 |
Spiritualists Support between Wars | Gerald O'Hara | y2007 | v3 | i4 | Apr | p88 |
Psypioneer Note on 'The Yorkshire Fairies' | anon | y2007 | v3 | i4 | Apr | p90 |
John Tyerman - 1838-1880 | anon | y2007 | v3 | i4 | Apr | p92 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2007 | v3 | i4 | Apr | p95 |
New Biography of Visionary [review: 'Red Cactus' by Alan Pert] | anon | y2007 | v3 | i5 | May | p96 |
'Modern Spiritualism' - The Menace of the Future (3) | Herbert Thurston | y2007 | v3 | i5 | May | p97 |
Harry Price - The Psychic Detective - Richard Morris responds | Richard Morris | y2007 | v3 | i5 | May | p108 |
Spiritualism in Modern Japan (1) | Mr W Asano | y2007 | v3 | i5 | May | p109 |
The Harbinger of Light - Death of Mr John Tyerman | Psypioneer, anon | y2007 | v3 | i5 | May | p112 |
Bibliography of Books and Articles about Mesmerism Spiritualism Psychical Research and Related Topics in Google Book Search | Carlos S Alvarado | y2007 | v3 | i5 | May | p113 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2007 | v3 | i5 | May | p120 |
Emma Hardinge Britten - May 2nd 1823-October 2nd 1899 [New Emma Hardinge Britten Website] | Psypioneer | y2007 | v3 | i6 | Jun | p121 |
Six Lectures or Theology and Nature - By Emma Hardinge - Published in 1860 [reprint offered] | anon | y2007 | v3 | i6 | Jun | p123 |
'Modern Spiritualism' - The Valhalla of Spiritualism (4) [concluded] | Herbert Thurston | y2007 | v3 | i6 | Jun | p125 |
Spiritualism in Modern Japan (2) [concluded] | Mr W Asano | y2007 | v3 | i6 | Jun | p136 |
Introduction [to 'Some Observations on Table-Moving'] | Hannah Jenkins | y2007 | v3 | i6 | Jun | p138 |
Monthly Notice of Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society Tasmania September 1864 - Some Observations on Table-Moving | William Archer | y2007 | v3 | i6 | Jun | p140 |
Books for sale | anon | y2007 | v3 | i6 | Jun | p143 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2007 | v3 | i6 | Jun | p143 |
SPR still plays down Spiritualist links | LP | y2007 | v3 | i7 | Jul | p144 |
Maurice Elliott and Mrs Duncan [includes extract: 'The Trial of Mrs Duncan'] | anon | y2007 | v3 | i7 | Jul | p145 |
Barbanell and the Stars [review: 'Flirting with the Zodiac' by Kim Farnell] | anon | y2007 | v3 | i7 | Jul | p147 |
A Note re Mrs Duncan [extract: 'Bulletin of the National Laboratory of Psychical Science' 1931 p11 "Regurgitation and the Duncan Mediumship" by Harry Price | anon | y2007 | v3 | i7 | Jul | p147 |
Thomas Blyton - 1847c-1933 - And the Dalston Association of Inquirers into Spiritualism | Paul J Gaunt | y2007 | v3 | i7 | Jul | p149 |
Spirits Banished from Belgravia Spiritualist Centre [review: 'Priestess the life and magic of Dion Fortune' by Alan Richardson Second revised edition | LP | y2007 | v3 | i7 | Jul | p158 |
The Hair of 'Katie King' [includes reprint of letter] | J Hawkins Simpson, Paul J Gaunt | y2007 | v3 | i7 | Jul | p159 |
Hudson Tuttle on Materialisations [includes reprints of letters by AG Young, A Smedley] | Paul J Gaunt | y2007 | v3 | i7 | Jul | p160 |
Spiritualism in Australia - Alfred Deakin 1856-1919 | anon | y2007 | v3 | i7 | Jul | p163 |
Books for sale | anon | y2007 | v3 | i7 | Jul | p164 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2007 | v3 | i7 | Jul | p164 |
The SNU and History | Leslie Price [LP] | y2007 | v3 | i8 | Aug | p165 |
A Day to Remember [reprint article in 'Psychic World' 1998] | Ian Stevenson, LP | y2007 | v3 | i8 | Aug | p167 |
[A] Knight Errant of Psychic Science - James Hewat McKenzie [November 11 1869-August 29 1929] [reprint: 'Quarterly Transactions of the British College of Psychic Science Ltd' v8 i3 October 1929 pp159-168 | Barbara McKenzie, Psypioneer | y2007 | v3 | i8 | Aug | p169 |
Questions about American SPR | Leslie Price [LP] | y2007 | v3 | i8 | Aug | p178 |
Fraudulent Mediumship: An Exposure | various | y2007 | v3 | i8 | Aug | p179 |