Transcorporeal Activity of Spirit | ? Emma Hardinge Britten, Psypioneer | y2007 | v3 | i8 | Aug | p187 |
Books for sale | anon | y2007 | v3 | i8 | Aug | p188 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2007 | v3 | i8 | Aug | p188 |
"Forgotten Pioneers of Parapsychology" - 50th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association | Psypioneer | y2007 | v3 | i9 | Sep | p189 |
Private Donor Ensured Light's Survival | anon | y2007 | v3 | i9 | Sep | p198 |
A Spiritualist's View of Psychic Research | Muriel Hankey, Denise Iredell, Psypioneer | y2007 | v3 | i9 | Sep | p198 |
Emma's First Book Reprinted After 150 Years | anon | y2007 | v3 | i9 | Sep | p204 |
Notes by the Way: Arthur Conan Doyle Reassessed | Leslie Price | y2007 | v3 | i9 | Sep | p205 |
Ex-Spiritualist Pioneered Theosophical Healing | anon | y2007 | v3 | i9 | Sep | p206 |
Experiences of Mr George Spriggs [1850-1912] | anon, Psypioneer | y2007 | v3 | i9 | Sep | p207 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2007 | v3 | i9 | Sep | p214 |
Books for sale | anon | y2007 | v3 | i9 | Sep | p214 |
Maurice Barbanell - May 3rd 1902-July 17th 1981 (1) - And - Psychic News [Three “Dead” Men Began Psychic News] | Maurice Barbanell, anon, Psypioneer | y2007 | v3 | i10 | Oct | p215 |
Note by Psypioneer | PJG | y2007 | v3 | i10 | Oct | p221 |
Emma Hardinge Britten in 1870 | Emma Hardinge Britten, various | y2007 | v3 | i10 | Oct | p222 |
'Mrs Miller's Gift - A Celebration 75 Years Of the Edinburgh College of Parapsychology Formerly Edinburgh Psychic College and Library' by Gerald O'Hara and Ann Harrison [including reprint: Introduction] | Gerald O'Hara, Psypioneer | y2007 | v3 | i10 | Oct | p224 |
Notes by the Way: Who was Florence? | Leslie Price | y2007 | v3 | i10 | Oct | p228 |
Mrs Carl Wickland passes on - She Cured Hundreds of Victims of Obsession | Carl Wickland, Psypioneer, anon | y2007 | v3 | i10 | Oct | p231 |
Pro-Psychic Bishop Criticised | Leslie Price [LP] | y2007 | v3 | i10 | Oct | p233 |
Arthur Ford - 1897-1971 - Makes Psychic History in Australia - First Broadcast of Spirit Messages | various, Psypioneer | y2007 | v3 | i10 | Oct | p234 |
Books for sale | anon | y2007 | v3 | i10 | Oct | p239 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2007 | v3 | i10 | Oct | p240 |
Finding our way in Psypioneer | LP | y2007 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p241 |
Martin Israel and the parting friends | Leslie Price [LP] | y2007 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p242 |
Book Review: 'Helen Duncan The Mystery Show Trial' by Robert Hartley | Paul J Gaunt | y2007 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p244 |
A Lawyer Protests | Psypioneer, anon | y2007 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p248 |
Can the SJRC survive? | anon | y2007 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p249 |
Maurice Barbanell (continued) (2) | Maurice Barbanell, Editor | y2007 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p250 |
Notes by the Way: A New Pioneer [A New Psypioneer] | Leslie Price [LP] | y2007 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p255 |
Helen Duncan Was Not Trialled as a Witch as Some Reports May Suggest! | anon | y2007 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p256 |
Japan's Leading Spiritualist Passes | Psypioneer | y2007 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p260 |
Australia Is To Be Flooded With Psychic Books - New Drive to Bring Home Spirit Truths | WF Croft | y2007 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p262 |
Books for sale | anon | y2007 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p263 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2007 | v3 | i11 | Nov | p264 |
A future for Psychic Studies | Leslie Price | y2007 | v3 | i12 | Dec | p265 |
Heavy blow to SPR [obituary: Wyllys Poynton] | anon | y2007 | v3 | i12 | Dec | p267 |
Origin of Modern Spiritualism - JS Grimes - 1807-1903 (1) | anon | y2007 | v3 | i12 | Dec | p267 |
Nineteenth-Century articles about Mesmerism - A Selected Bibliography | Carlos S Alvarado | y2007 | v3 | i12 | Dec | p277 |
Maurice Elliott and the Healing Commission | Leslie Price | y2007 | v3 | i12 | Dec | p284 |
Funeral of Mr BS Nayler [obituary] | anon, Psypioneer | y2007 | v3 | i12 | Dec | p285 |
1888-1889!!! | The Editor of 'The Two Worlds' [Emma Hardinge Britten] | y2007 | v3 | i12 | Dec | p288 |
Books for sale | anon | y2007 | v3 | i12 | Dec | p292 |
How to obtain this Newsletter | Paul J Gaunt | y2007 | v3 | i12 | Dec | p292 |
Book Review: 'Mrs Miller's Gift' by Gerald O'Hara and Ann Harrison | Paul J Gaunt | y2008 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p1 |
The Opening of the Edinburgh Psychic Centre College and Library on Thursday 8th September 1932 | anon | y2008 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p4 |
Aquarian Gospel Doubts as Film is Planned | anon | y2008 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p7 |
Richard Boddington - The days when it was difficult - A pioneer looks back | anon | y2008 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p8 |
CFPSS faces historic decisions | Leslie Price [LP] | y2008 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p10 |
A Century-Old Writings about Mediumship | Carlos S Alvarado, Psypioneer | y2008 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p11 |
Book Tests but not as we know them | Leslie Price [LP] | y2008 | v4 | i1 | Jan | p18 |