The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Launceston Lodge


Books for saleanony2008v4i6Junp154
How to obtain this NewsletterPaul J Gaunty2008v4i6Junp155
A sitting at ScoleAlan Gauld, Psypioneery2008v4i7Julp156
A very elderly man?Leslie Price and John Algeoy2008v4i7Julp165
Modern American Spiritualism 1870Emma Hardingey2008v4i7Julp167
William Crookes: A major reconsideration [review: 'William Crookes (1832-1919) and the Commercialization of Science' by William H Brock]anony2008v4i7Julp176
John Tyndall - 1820-1893 - Science and the 'spirits'John Tyndall, Psypioneery2008v4i7Julp177
An Australian pioneer - Mr JT McLeod Craig and his workHorace Leafy2008v4i7Julp182
Books for saleanony2008v4i7Julp184
How to obtain this NewsletterPaul J Gaunty2008v4i7Julp185
When the devil went down to Dublin: Annie Besant in IrelandWendy Cousinsy2008v4i8Augp186
Enrico Morselli's Forgotten bibliographyCS Alvarado and M Biondiy2008v4i8Augp190
Are the ages of the Fox Sisters important?Paul J Gaunty2008v4i8Augp193
The first Duncan trialLeslie Pricey2008v4i8Augp195
Sir Oliver Lodge - June 12th 1851-August 22nd 1940'The Strand Magazine', Garth Willeyy2008v4i8Augp207
Elizabeth Pretty adds to 'An Australian Pioneer' [An Australian Pioneer - Update by Elizabeth Pretty]Elizabeth Prettyy2008v4i8Augp213
Books for saleanony2008v4i8Augp214
How to obtain this NewsletterPaul J Gaunty2008v4i8Augp215
The Fox Sisters: Riddle of the recordsLis J Warwoody2008v4i9Sepp186
Hydesville text reprintedLeslie Pricey2008v4i9Sepp196
Finally! We're back online!
Charles Richet on "The Limits of Psychic and Matapsychic Science"Carlos S Alvaradoy2008v4i9Sepp198
CFPSS RepentanceLeslie Pricey2008v4i9Sepp207
An account of some of our psychic experiencesG Maurice Elliott and Irene Hallam Elliott, Psypioneery2008v4i9Sepp208
Dr William Britten - 1821c-1894anony2008v4i9Sepp215
Fisher's ghost; or the gate in the laneWm Britteny2008v4i9Sepp216
Books for saleanony2008v4i9Sepp219
How to obtain this NewsletterPaul J Gaunty2008v4i9Sepp220
Notes by the Way... Spiritualists bearing giftsLeslie Pricey2008v4i10Octp221
Notes by the Way... Conan Doyle Movietone Newsreel 1928Garth Willeyy2008v4i10Octp223
Profiles… Phoebe Payne BenditLaurence Bendity2008v4i10Octp225
The grave of William Stainton Moses - 1839-1892Paul J Gaunty2008v4i10Octp231
The Society for Psychical Research - officers and council for 1882anony2008v4i10Octp234
Passing of Mrs Annie BesantGHL [George Henderson Lethem], 'Light', Psypioneery2008v4i10Octp239
Helen Duncan - 1895 1897 or 1898-1956Paul J Gaunty2008v4i10Octp242
Profiles… Fred Evans's MediumshipThe Editor of 'The Golden Gate'y2008v4i10Octp245
Books for saleanony2008v4i10Octp249
How to obtain this NewsletterPaul J Gaunty2008v4i10Octp250
Notes by the Way... Access DeniedLeslie Pricey2008v4i11Novp251
Hippolyte Leon Denizard Rivail Better known under the pseudonym of Allan Kardec - 1804-1869 [Hippolyte Leon Denizard Rivail - Aksakof's critique][Alexander] Alexandre Aksakof [1832-1903], Psypioneery2008v4i11Novp253
Spiritualism in the light of TheosophyCountess Constance Wachtmeister, Psypioneery2008v4i11Novp259
The Work of Mrs Henry Sidgwick - A Pioneer of the SPRanon, Psypioneery2008v4i11Novp270
Victoria Helen McRae Duncan (nee MacFarlane) November 25th 1897-6th December 1956 [Helen Duncan born 1895 1897 or 1898? - The Result]anony2008v4i11Novp275
The Origins of "LIGHT"anony2008v4i11Novp276
Books for saleanony2008v4i11Novp282
How to obtain this NewsletterPaul J Gaunty2008v4i11Novp283
The Stansted JobLeslie Pricey2008v4i12Decp285
Biographical Sketch - Robert Cooper - 'Light' May 6th 1899 [Robert Cooper 18??-1909]anon, Paul J Gaunt, Psypioneery2008v4i12Decp287
Early Spiritualist newspapers ['Light' May 5 1923 p287]anony2008v4i12Decp301
Notes by the way... One small step for PsypioneerLeslie Pricey2008v4i12Decp302
Showing 401 to 450 of 1280 entries