Phoenix Rising | John BS Coats | 1978 - 1979 | India | 70 |
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research | | 1884 - continuing | United Kingdom | 60 |
Psychic Notes | Alice Gordon, HP Blavatsky | 1882 | India | 184 |
Psypioneer | Leslie Price | 2004 - 2016 | Internet | 1280 |
Quest | William Metzger | 1988 - continuing | United States of America | 4126 |
Research Centre Journal | | 1972 - 1976 | United Kingdom | 168 |
Revue Theosophique | Comtesse G d'Adhémar | March 1889 - February 1890 | France | 125 |
Science Group Journal | | 1957 - 1971 | United Kingdom | 966 |
Sishya (The Student) | | | India | 66 |
Star Bulletin | Emily Lutyens, D Rajagopal and Herbrand Williams | 1931 - 1933 | Holland | 77 |
Sunrise | James A. Long | 1951 - 2007 | United States of America | 6911 |
The Adyar Bulletin | Annie Besant | 1908 - 1929 | India | 2274 |
The Adyar Pamphlets | | 1911 - 1936 | India | 216 |
The Adyar Theosophist | Annie Besant | 1930 | India | 166 |
The American Theosophist | | 1933 - 1996 | United States of America | 11503 |
The American Theosophist (First Series) | AP Warrington | 1913 - 1914 | United States of America | 702 |
The Aquarian Theosophist | Jerome Wheeler | 2000 - continuing | United States of America | 3398 |
The Australian ES Bulletin | TH Martyn, CW Leadbeater | 1912 - 1929 | Australia | 355 |
The Australian Theosophist (1) | TW Willans | 1897 - 1898 | Australia | 142 |
The Australian Theosophist (2) | George S Arundale | 1926 - 1928 | Australia | 525 |
The Australian Theosophist (3) | CW Leadbeater | 1928 - 1933 | Australia | 878 |
The Beacon | Lucis Trust, Foster Bailey | 1922 - continuing | United States of America | 6253 |
The Blavatsky Lectures | | 1918 - continuing | United Kingdom | 67 |
The Blavatsky Pamphlets | | | Canada | 10 |
The Blazing Star | Herbrand Williams | 1923 - 1924 | Australia | 73 |
The Canadian Theosophist | Albert E.S. Smythe | 1920 - 2007 | Canada | 4442 |
The Eclectic Theosophist | W Emmett Small, Helen Todd | 1971 - 1995 | United States of America | 1461 |
The English Theosophist | WA Bulmer, Howard H Birt | August 1895 to December 1900 | United Kingdom | 107 |
The Halcyon (OSE) | TE Brown and Emma Hunt | 1912 - 1915 | New Zealand | 234 |
The Herald of the Star | J Krishnamurti | 1912 - 1927 | United Kingdom | 3877 |
The Indian Theosophist | S M Umakanth Rao | 2002 | India | 798 |
The Irish Theosophist | DN Dunlop | 1892 - 1897 | Ireland | 587 |
The Lamp | Albert ES Smythe | 1894 - 1900 | Canada | 1483 |
The Light Bearer | | 1993 - continuing | Canada | 986 |
The Link | | May 1908 - Feb 1912 | India | 203 |
The Magnet | Esther Bright | 1918 - 1928 (incomplete) | United Kingdom | 331 |
The Malayan Theosophist | Jane Clumeck | 1939 - 1942 | Singapore | 182 |
The Messenger | AP Warrington | 1913 - 1927 | United States of America | 3901 |
The New Californian | Jerome A. Anderson & Louise A. Off | 1891 - 1894 | United States of America | 424 |
The Occult Review | Ralph Shirley | 1907 - 1932 | United Kingdom | 6048 |
The Occult Review | Ralph Shirley | 1905 - 1948 | United Kingdom | 7382 |
Theosophia | Boris de Zirkoff | 1944 - 1981 | United States of America | 1079 |
TheoSophia (NZ) | Jo Barnsdale | 2007 - continuing | New Zealand | 1349 |
Theosophical Digest | Vicente Hao Chin Jr | 1989 - continuing | Philippines | 1925 |
Theosophical History | Leslie Price, JA Santucci | 1985 - continuing | United States of America | 968 |
Theosophical History Centre publications | Leslie Price | 1985 - 1989 | United Kingdom | 18 |
Theosophical History Occasional Papers | | 1993 - continuing | United States of America | 48 |
Theosophical Manuals 1-7 | | 1892 - 1896 | United Kingdom | 7 |
Theosophical Manuals (G de Purucker Series) | | 1930 - 1940 | United States of America | 15 |
Theosophical Manuals (Katherine Tingley Series) | students of KT | 1907 - 1908 | United States of America | 7 |